Level / Rank

Learn about the Level feature of Angelus

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What are Levels / Rank?

XP level indicates the learning path experience one achieved. It can be improved by talking and chating in chats. Each message sent by you grants you a certain amount of XP which helps you level up. The more you chat, the more XP you get!


Here are some commands that can help you set up xp levels for your server!

By default, XP-Messages are enabled, so you will need to disable them if you don't want levels.

How do i check what level or rank i am?

Simply run the command .rank or .level and the Bot will show you your rank and level

Can i check how the most active member of my server is?

Yes! You can do that by running the command .leaderboard or in short .lb to check the 10 most active members

Last updated