Change Log

Angelus Updates are shown here

ChangeLog v18.0.5


  • Help command is back! Fresh and New! Use /help

  • Commands now won't ping you on every usage

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where the bot was sending wrong links upon inviting it to a server

  • Fixed a lot of Typos

Major Changes

  • Cry/Pat/Slowmode command is still disabled

  • Chating with Angelus now doesn't ping you on every message

  • Roast command makes a comeback!!!

  • Changemymind is back!


  • We unfortunatly had to remove the Economy Feature due to some issues but don't worry! It'll make a return in the future!

Patchnote v18.0.1


  • Added Buttons and Dropdowns!

  • Every command now supports in-line replies

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed typos

Known Bugs

  • Chatbot is a known bug which will be fixed soon by tomorrow


  • We have temporary removed the economy feature/system

  • .create-embed command has been removed

ChangeLog v18.0.0 (Beta)

I'm pretty sure we'll have waited for this moment of glory to see new stuff happen to Angelus and now it's time for a big change! You're not ready for this one, neither am i! πŸ‘€

Prefix for all guilds have been set to default until further notice. Use . as prefix

.help command is still under construction and is disabled til further notice


We have updated/changed a ton of things this time including js version. Angelus now runs onjs v13.0.0 instead of v12.

Check out the changes down below!

  • Updated discord.js version to v13!

  • Translated the code from JavaScript to TypeScript for easy bug fixes

  • Made Event-Handlers more organized and clean

  • Chatbot channel can now be customizable .setup-chatbot <#channel> but currently disabled

Commands with Buttons

  • .vote command now uses Buttons to interact

  • .support command now used Buttons to interact

  • .invite command now uses Buttons

  • .policy command now uses Buttons

Commands with Select/Dropdown Menu

  • .help command now uses dropdown but is disabled at the moment

  • .store command now uses dropdown

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug where some commands were unresponsive in some guilds

  • Fixed a bug with the Activity system having issues when restarting

Major Changes

  • Ping command now shows the bot version and ping

  • Had to remove snake game and snakecord package because it relied on djs v12.5 which conflicted with v13

  • The Bot doesn't DM the server owner after being kicked from a guild

  • Disabled Economy commands until further notice

Disabled Commands

  • .advice has been disabled

  • .changemymind has been disabled

  • .cry has been disabled

  • .pat has been disabled

  • .eject has been disabled

Disabled Categorys

  • Welcome category has been disabled

  • Economy category has been disabled

  • Level category has been disabled


  • .version has been removed

  • .clyde has been removed

  • .facepalm has been removed

  • .trumptweet has been removed

  • .prefix has been removed

  • .ascii has been removed

  • .facepalm has been removed

  • .math has been removed

  • .rps has been removed

  • .invites has been removed

  • Games category has been removed

ChangeLog v15.3 - Patch Notes

This update includes some major changes and some bug fixes! Check em out down below!


New command has been added which you can use to create and send embeds! Use .createembed to get started!

We haven't had any bugs this time! πŸ‘€

Major Changes

Store now has been updated and includes Item ID which you can also use when buying

Ping command now shows the Bot version and ping

ChangeLog v15.2 - Emergency Update

What does a perfect moderation bot looks like for you? Check out our v15.2 patch notes down below!


You thought we are gonna stop adding new commands? Well, you were wrong... We added new commands!πŸ‘€ Check em down below!






.ascii <text>

Return provided text in acsii format



Generate a random fortune



Play a game of snake



Play a game of Akinator



Check your server settings (Still in Development)

Enable / Disable XP Messages

Our community asked, and we added! First of all, we are really sorry if Angelus has spammed your server with level-up messages. You can turn them on/off now! Wanna know how? Check out Levels!

Welcome Message

No one wants to invite an extra bot to their server for welcoming new members right? Sooo, we have added a new Welcoming feature to Angelus which you can set-up to welcome new members to your community!

Bug Fixes

Fixed .slap command sending the same picture

Fixed the .ban command not working or working slow in some guilds

Fixed logs not showing up in some guilds

Fixed a bug where the bot was showing undefined instead of the username when using the slap command

Major Changes

Made some little changes to the .ping command

Swaped image from .slap command with GIFs

Added new category to the help command

ChangeLog v15.1

I'm pretty sure you are not ready for this! πŸ‘€ We have leveling feature now! Yayyy!!! πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰


Have you ever wanted to have leveling system in your server and you invite tons of different bots to your server but still can't find the right one? Well, we got you covered with our new Level/Rank system!




Check what level/rank you are


Shows top 10 most active members in your server

We have also added a command called .calculator which you can use to calculate some math problems or for your homework?

Bug Fixes

Fixed a bug where the .help <category> command was showing reactions when not supposed to

Fixed some more spelling mistakes in Angelus

Major Changes

Added a new category to the .help command

Added about me section to Angelus

ChangeLog v15

This! This is the moment we all have been waiting for! Update v15 is here with new cool stuff. Check em all down below!


Have you ever felt alone and wanting to talk to someone but got no one or everyone is busy? Don't worry! We got you with our new chatbot feature where you can talk with the Bot it self! Go ahead a run the command .chatbot in any channel, the bot will look for a chatbot channel in your server but if it can't find it, it will create a channel called #chatbot.




Sets up a chat bot channel

We also have added some new commands!





.setrolelog <#channel>

Sets a role log channel



Disables the role log channel


.add-emojis <emoji, emoji>

Adds emojis to your server from another server


.facepalm <user>

Sends an image with facepalm


.hack <user>

Hacks a user you mentioned. (This is only a Joke!)

Bug Fixes

Fixed the bug where using the .crime command gave an error

Fixed a bug where .help command was unresponsive in some servers

Major Changes

Some embeds has changed within the info category.

Example: .invite, .ping, .membercount, .vote, .serverinfo, .support

ChangeLog v14

I'm pretty sure we all have been waiting for this moment! πŸ‘€ No More Wait! Check out the Update down below!


Someone told us that we can not change the Bot's name once it's verified so me and my Admin team sat on the ground at 3am in the morning singing Minecraft songs and thinking of a name for the Bot and we came up with Angelus! We all think it's a pretty great name!

New Commands

We have added couple of new commands to log joins / leaves, deleted messages etc.





.setjoinchannel <#channel>

Set jon log channel



Disable join log channel


.setleavechannel <#channel>

Set leave log channel



Disable leave log channel

Deleted Messages get loged in the Mod Logs channel as of now.


Someone once told us that they have 3 bots sharing the same prefix and it gets messy in the channel while using the commands so we thought of bringing custom prefix to Angelus!

Check out Prefix for more info!

Bug fixes

Fixed an issue where anyone could user .setsuggest command

Fixed an issue where banning someone didn't require any special permission

Major Changes

As you guys know that we changed the help embed to get feedback and see how it effects different servers, the results weren't too good as we expected so we have rolled back the old help embed with a little bit of touch!

We have disabled the .crime command until further notice

Last updated